ALSC’s Summer Reading Lists

The lists are full of book titles to keep children engaged in reading throughout the summer. Three Summer Reading book lists are available for K-2nd, 3rd- 5th and 6th-8th grade students.

Each list is available here to download for free in color and black and white. Lists can be customized to include library information, summer hours and summer reading programs for children before making copies available to schools and patrons.

The Summer Reading List was compiled and annotated by Association for Library Services for Childen’s Quicklists Consulting Committee and School-Age Programs and Services Committee through a 2013 Carnegie Whitney Grant funded by the American Library Association Publishing Committee. The 2014 list was updated by ALSC’s Quicklists Consulting Committee.

K – 2nd grade – Color
K – 2nd grade – Black & White
3rd – 5th grade – Color
3rd – 5th grade – Black & White
6th – 8th grade – Color
6th – 8th grade – Black & White

Adult Literacy Programming for Public Libraries

Are you interested in doing something with adult literacy at your library but not sure where to start? Supporting Adult Literacy in Public Libraries ( is a FREE resource to assist in supporting and starting adult literacy programs in public libraries.  This website includes information on why public libraries are perfect for supporting adult literacy, success stories from libraries that have implemented programs and information about working with adult learners.  In the “Program Toolkit” portion of the website, there is an outline of all the steps involved in connecting with Adult Literacy programs in your area, building a literacy collection, finding potential tutors, setting up tutor training, advertising for learners, doing assessments, learner placement, tutoring session logistics and keeping track of learners and tutors.Continue reading

The Critical Partnership: Public Library Trustees and Directors

On Tuesday June 10, from 10 am to 11 am, the New York State Library and the Library Trustees Association of New York State will offer a webinar entitled, “The Critical Partnership: Public Library Trustees and Directors.”

A review of the roles and responsibilities of public library Trustees and the Library Director. How to hire the best person for your Library. How to get the most out of the partnership. Best practices in performance evaluation of your Director and your Board. And how to end the relationship legally, ethically, and professionally.
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