Free Webinar: Building for Your Future

Building for your future : Public Library Renovation and Construction from Dream to Dedication presented by Jerry Nichols.  This webinar will introduce trustees to the basics of team building, planning, design, politics, finance and construction.

Join us at SALS from 9 am – 10 am on June 2nd.

Webinar: Personal Archiving Our Digital Heritage

Thursday May 19, 2016 2:00 – 3:00 pm
SALS will be hosting – come join us and earn 1 hour CE credit

This webinar will cover the major driving forces of Personal Digital Archiving (PDA) and some of the issues affecting it, especially organization and digitization of materials not in digital form. Significant commercial services now available will be described. Storage and technology considerations will be addressed. Digital legacies are critically important for PDA, and it is important for people with a significant digital footprint to consider them and how they want to pass their archives on to their heirs. The speaker, Donald T. Hawkins, will also present a case study of his own PDA project and how he archived a large collection of family photos on 35mm slides dating from the 1950s.

Personal Digital Archiving (PDA) refers to how individuals create, store, and manage their digital files. Libraries and other cultural institutions have long been engaged in preservation activities, but now individuals are becoming interested in preserving their digital heritage. In response to this trend, the Library of Congress as well as commercial organizations have begun to offer services to help people archive their important documents and compile family histories. Libraries have a significant role to play in PDA because many of their users need help in understanding the issues and in beginning a PDA project.

Accessible Library Customer Service

Accessible Library Customer Service
Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at 10:00am

Please join us to learn and talk about how to provide outstanding customer service to all of your patrons, including patrons with disabilities. Valerie Lewis, the Administrator of Outreach Services at the Suffolk Cooperative Library System, will highlight easy and cost effective ways to ensure access to all front line customer services. We will focus on:

  • What does the law say
  • Who is responsible for accessible library services
  • Communication Tools
  • Appropriate Terminology
  • Accessible Library Materials
  • Assistive Devices in Your Library
  • How to get started

The link to the March 22nd webinar is:

All are welcome and encouraged to participate. The webinar will be recorded and available at a later date.

If you have questions, please contact Valerie Lewis 631-286-1600, x1354 or by email at