Best Practices for Large Print: Ideas, Resources and Reads- Free Webinar

Join us for this free Booklist presentation!
Best Practices for Large Print:
Ideas, Resources and Reads
Join Booklist and Thorndike Press for this free, hour-long webinar on building successful, large-print collections. Speakers will include Nancy Pearl, Nora Rawlinson (EarlyWord), Tamara Kraus (Hickory County Public Library, NC), and Lisa Joyce (Portland Library, ME). Don’t miss this valuable program, featuring advice on all things large print: collection-development trends, reading group tips, and best practices for outreach to readers, as well as large print fresh picks from Thorndike Press. Moderated by Rebecca Vnuk, Booklist editor for reference and collection management.
Can’t make the date? Register for Booklist‘s upcoming webinars to receive a link to the video archives when they’re available for viewing.

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Policy Briefs on Telehealth and Intimate Partner Violence- Free Webinar

The Rural Assistance Center will be hosting a free webinar.

Title: NACRHHS Policy Briefs on Telehealth and Intimate Partner Violence
Date: Thursday, November 5, 2015
Time: 11:00 am Pacific, 12:00 pm Mountain, 1:00 pm Central, 2:00 pm Eastern

Following the Fall 2014 meeting in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, the National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services sent two policy briefs to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. One policy brief covered the use of telehealth in rural areas and how this technology aligns with the emerging focus on value in healthcare and the second covered the impact of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) on families and communities in rural areas.

Featured Speakers:

  • Former Governor Ronnie Musgrove, Committee Chair
  • Eugenia (Geni) Cowan, Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at California State University, Sacramento
  • Karen Madden, Director of the Charles D. Cook Office of Rural Health in New York

The National Advisory Committee on Health and Human Services is a 21-member citizens’ panel of nationally recognized experts who provide recommendations on rural issues to the Secretary of the Department.

Policy Briefs:

Libraries as Health Literacy First Responders

Public Health and Public Libraries: Libraries as Health Literacy First Responders

Wednesday, October 21, 2015 ? 3 pm Eastern ? 60 min


Misinformation about health abounds in today’s info-glutted environment. What is the role of public libraries in addressing issues of accurate health information? Public libraries are uniquely positioned to contribute to healthy communities by providing informed access to reliable health information. This panel presentation provides an overview of the field of public health, highlighting innovative health promotion initiatives at public libraries, and covering training and funding resources for health-related library outreach and programming. Join the conversation about building your community’s health literacy.

Presented by: Lydia N. Collins, Consumer Health Coordinator, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region; Anita Kinney, Program Analyst, United States Access Board; Christian Minter, Nebraska/Education Coordinator, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, MidContinental Region