Early Learning Spaces

Questions addressed in this R2RNY component include how to create an environment in libraries that supports early learning and literacy for all children regardless of the library’s size, staffing levels, budgets and community resources.The kinds of colors, activities, furnishings, flooring, lighting, toys, materials, and books chosen can impact the comfort levels of children from birth to six along with their parents or caregivers. Participants learn how to plan and develop early learning spaces, how to make spaces accessible and ADA compliant, and how to engage partners and end users in planning.

Register: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/r2rny34

Strategies for Successful Partnerships

Strategies for Successful Partnerships and Outreach to Families with Young Children
This Ready to Read at NY Library component focuses on how libraries can best reach families with young children, particularly those who are most at risk for not being successful in the school years ahead. Participants will learn how to identify potential partners, based on information from the first component, and how to reach out and work with them. They will also learn how to reach families with young children who do not currently use the library and the important role that partnerships play in that outreach. Participants will learn how to develop an Early Literacy Partnership and Outreach Plan for their libraries.
Registration for morning session: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/r2rny34

Exploring Early Literacy in Public Libraries Webinar

Exploring Early Literacy in Public Libraries Webinar

Tuesday, February 2
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Join Lisa G. Kropp, First Steps columnist for School Library Journal, and member of the NYS Ready to Read training cohort, as she discusses ways libraries of all sizes can increase their early learning opportunities.

Did you know that 17% of children under the age of 6 in New York State are read to by a family member less than three days a week?  Find out why your public library should make early learning the foundation of their long term plan when it comes to program and service sustainability!

Participants will:

  1. understand how important early learning is for young children
  2. learn ways public libraries can incorporate early literacy and learning into existing programs
  3. learn how to incorporate early learning “elevator speeches” into readers’ advisory services
  4. leave the webinar with at least one new idea to try at their library!

Register Now!