MedlinePlus webinar for its Redesigned Site

On April 28th, 2015 MedlinePlus ( and MedlinePlus en español ( released a completely redesigned site with a fresh look and feel. The new version of MedlinePlus and MedlinePlus en español uses responsive design for ease of use on any device, whether that is a desktop monitor or mobile touchscreen.  Responsive pages automatically change their layout to fit your screen.  See the NLM announcement page for more details.

NN/LM MAR would like to invite you to a special webinar to review the redesigned site on May 13th, 2015 from 1:00-2:00 PM EST. Lydia Collins, Consumer Health Coordinator (NN/LM MAR) will talk about the changes and provide reassurance that although MedlinePlus has a new look, the content is the same and just as reliable!

The session will be recorded and information for registering is provided below. Please register even if you are unable to attend the live session as a special message regarding the availability of the recording will be provided to all those who register.
Registration Link:

Using Data for Peer Benchmarking & Best Practices: FREE Webinar

Date:  May 26, 10 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. EDT

Program:  Using Data for Peer Benchmarking and Best Practices
With: Robert Dugan, Dean of Libraries, University of West Florida

While trend analysis is used by most libraries to compare inputs and outputs internally, accrediting organizations may ask institutions for peer benchmarking information as part of a program’s or institutional self-study.  Additionally, libraries may want to identify other libraries that are successfully conducting a service they want to offer or improve, oftentimes referred to as a best practices study. An example would be providing longer public service hours with existing staff.  Dugan will demonstrate the use of ACRLMetrics for benchmarking and best practices studies.

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Communicating the Library’s Value: FREE Webinar

Date: May 15, 2015, 10 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. EDT
Program: Communicating the Library’s Value
With: Zsuzsa Koltay, Director of Assessment and Communication, Cornell University

Unquestioned support for the academic library can’t be taken for granted any more. Our parent institutions challenge us for evidence about what we contribute to institutional outcomes. What does this evidence look like? Is it one irrefutable piece of data, or more of a composite picture? And how do we communicate it most effectively to users, opinion-leaders, and decision-makers? This session will present a framework with practical examples of hits and misses based on the work of the presenter’s unit, Assessment and Communication, at Cornell University Library.

Participants will be able to understand the:
• Nature of value and impact evidence in the context of academic libraries
• Interconnectedness of assessment and communication efforts in this context
• Data components that triangulate value and impact
• Relevant communication channels and presentation approaches
• Importance of understanding and adapting to local environments

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