Getting Started With STEAM- Free NYLA Webinar

June 16, 2015, 2:00-3:00

Does your library support 21st century literacy skills? Why STEAM in libraries?  This webinar will expose you to the research that supports the integration of informal STEAM learning into your libraries’ programming and services.  Leave armed with a starter toolkit of ideas so you can experiment with STEAM in your library today!

The webinar is free, but registration is required.  Visit HERE to register

Rethinking Readers’ Advisory: 6-week eCourse

Rethinking Readers’ Advisory: An Interactive Approach  with Rebecca Howard and Laura Raphael

6-week eCourse
Beginning Monday, July 13, 2015

Form-based readers’ advisory moves you beyond traditional methods such as general book lists, open-ended interviews, and counter displays—allowing you to develop RA services that are more efficient and responsive to library users’ needs. In this eCourse, you’ll go in-depth and learn about this exciting RA model, from start (getting administrative and staff buy-in) to finish (building forms and training staff members).

After participating in this eCourse, you will be able to:

  • Identify the challenges of traditional RA
  • Describe benefits of form-based RA
  • Understand how to assess your library’s capacity for this service and garner support from library leadership
  • Describe the key elements of an effective RA form
  • Understand the terms readers use when describing what kinds of books they enjoy
  • And much more!

The cost of the course is $250.  Visit HERE to register.

Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC)- FREE Informational Webinar

The American Library Association-Allied Professional Association’s Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC) Program is offering a free, one-hour informational webinar on June 10th from 2-3pm Eastern Time. Register for the webinar here:

The LSSC Program is a continuing education certification program designed to recognize the value and accomplishments of Library Support Staff. To complete the program and become Certified Library Support Staff (CLSS) , candidates must first meet the eligibility requirements, and then successfully complete six of ten competency sets.  Candidates may complete these sets by submitting portfolios, completing approved courses, or graduating from training programs in LSSC colleges with which LSSC has a recognition agreement. The webinar will offer an in-depth look at the program as well as offer Q&A time with an LSSC representative. Please join us to learn more about this national certification program for library support staff.