Rethinking Readers’ Advisory: An Interactive Approach with Rebecca Howard and Laura Raphael
6-week eCourse
Beginning Monday, July 13, 2015
Form-based readers’ advisory moves you beyond traditional methods such as general book lists, open-ended interviews, and counter displays—allowing you to develop RA services that are more efficient and responsive to library users’ needs. In this eCourse, you’ll go in-depth and learn about this exciting RA model, from start (getting administrative and staff buy-in) to finish (building forms and training staff members).
After participating in this eCourse, you will be able to:
- Identify the challenges of traditional RA
- Describe benefits of form-based RA
- Understand how to assess your library’s capacity for this service and garner support from library leadership
- Describe the key elements of an effective RA form
- Understand the terms readers use when describing what kinds of books they enjoy
- And much more!
The cost of the course is $250. Visit HERE to register.