Policy Briefs on Telehealth and Intimate Partner Violence- Free Webinar

The Rural Assistance Center will be hosting a free webinar.

Title: NACRHHS Policy Briefs on Telehealth and Intimate Partner Violence
Date: Thursday, November 5, 2015
Time: 11:00 am Pacific, 12:00 pm Mountain, 1:00 pm Central, 2:00 pm Eastern

Following the Fall 2014 meeting in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, the National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services sent two policy briefs to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. One policy brief covered the use of telehealth in rural areas and how this technology aligns with the emerging focus on value in healthcare and the second covered the impact of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) on families and communities in rural areas.

Featured Speakers:

  • Former Governor Ronnie Musgrove, Committee Chair
  • Eugenia (Geni) Cowan, Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at California State University, Sacramento
  • Karen Madden, Director of the Charles D. Cook Office of Rural Health in New York

The National Advisory Committee on Health and Human Services is a 21-member citizens’ panel of nationally recognized experts who provide recommendations on rural issues to the Secretary of the Department.

Policy Briefs:

Ebooks in Libraries: Amigos.org Webinar

Title: Ebooks in Libraries: An Update

When: Monday, November 16, 2015

Where: Online

Amigos Members: Admission is free!

Non-Members: Register by November 2nd for Early Bird Pricing

Libraries have been working with ebooks for a number of years now and in a variety of ways. The landscape, however, has continued to shift – sometimes under our feet. It is time to take a day to assess where we are.

Some libraries work within the limitations of existing services, providing exceptional value for their communities. Others create their own services from scratch, while still others take advantage of both scenarios. What are you doing to enhance your ebook services? Have you studied your statistics, run user or usability studies, tried an assortment of marketing techniques? Have you created partnerships or worked with specific groups? Gone “where no library has gone before?” Your experiences could help other libraries.

Sessions include topics to tempt public, academic, and special libraries:

  • Two sessions on Demand-Driven Acquisition – one a 4-year evaluation of use at their library and the other assessing the short-term DDA model.
  • How a library worked with a vendor to present sessions to other libraries, but had the unintended consequence of nudging the vendor to make changes to their interface.
  • Thoughts from a public librarian on subscription-based ebook platforms like Freading/Freegal, Hoopla, and Total Boox.
  • How two library with space limitations have used ebooks as a way to keep pace with the needs of their communities.
  • Description and evaluation of a public library that provides one-on-one ebook assistance for their patrons.
  • New way to enliven the classics through the 50 x 50 campaign.
  • Overview and demonstration of Amigos’ new ebook project, the Amigos eShelf Service, which will be available to all libraries in November.

Online conference sessions will run 45 minutes each throughout the day. Recordings will be available to attendees after the conference.

If you have questions, contact Christine Peterson at 800-843-8482 ext 2891 or peterson@amigos.org

Live Online Course: Grant Writing (4 CE Hours)

Register here: http://www.amigos.org/node/3135

Do you have a great idea that needs grant funding but you don’t know where to start? This course will help you understand how to identify funding resources, the process of creating and submitting a grant, and how to seek continuing funding for your project.

Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the elements of a proposal
  • Describe the grant review process
  • Differentiate between types of grants and funders
  • Identify sources of funding

Target Audience:  Librarians, archivists, and any individuals who are interested in learning how to create a grant proposal.
Prerequisites:  None

Students will participate in class discussion and complete individual assignments.

It is designed for individual participation; each individual must register.

Technical Requirements:  Live Online System Requirements

Session Duration: This course consists of two 2-hour sessions.

Instructor: Carmen Cowick – cowick@amigos.org

Continuing Education Credit Contact Hours: 4 IACET CEUs: 0.4

As an IACET Authorized Provider, Amigos offers CEUs for its programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET Standard.
Fees: Amigos Member Fee: $165.00

Non-member Fee: $200.00

For student or group rates, please contact cowick@amigos.org=


Scheduled Dates November 3 & 5, 2015, 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm CST

*All classes are recorded. Participants may attend live session or watch recordings.

*This class will not be offered again until May 2016

Register here: http://www.amigos.org/node/3135

www.amigos.org | cowick@amigos.org