Genealogical Resources from the New York State Archives


Tuesday, February 9, 2016 ; 12:00 pm to 1:00 am (webinar login information will be provided)


Description: This webinar will help you explore and discover the resources for genealogy and local history research that are available from the New York State Archives. Topics, Tools and Tips will help you identify what kinds of collections holdings are maintained by the State Archives; the means for accessing different kinds of information; and; research tips you can use and share with patrons searching for historical records, online and onsite.


Speaker: Monica Gray, Archivist, Collections Management at the New York State Archives


Find What You Want with BookBrowse

Monday, February 8, 2016; 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm (webinar login information will be provided)

Description: BookBrowse is an affordable, content-rich and easy-to-use online magazine and readers’ advisory resource. It is particularly relevant to adults who read to expand their horizons, and book club enthusiasts.

Unlike the many databases that attempt to list all books regardless of quality, BookBrowse carefully sifts through thousands of books and recommends only the best. Exceptional books don’t just entertain, they also uplift and educate us; they wrap us in their world and make us step outside of ourselves. BookBrowse seeks out these books across a range of genres, both fiction and nonfiction, and links each book page to the corresponding book in the library’s OPAC for one-click searching.

Some of BookBrowse’s content is available for free but full access is for subscribers only. The 30-40 minute demo will explore some of BookBrowse’s premium features which include:

  • In-depth reviews of the best in contemporary fiction and nonfiction, and “beyond the book” articles that explore a factual aspect of each featured book.
  • Read-alikes for thousands of authors and books based on the book’s story, character, setting and language.
  • The ability to search and cross reference by genre, time period, geographical setting and a wide range of themes.
  • Previews of the top 80+ books publishing each month, including abbreviated reviews from pre-pub sources (Publishers Weekly, Library Journal, Booklist, Kirkus, etc), plot-spoilers removed.
  • Extensive book club resources including recommendations by theme, weekly top 10, advice on starting and running a book club, and online book discussions open to patrons.
  • An excerpt of each featured book, plus author interviews, biographies, and a pronunciation guide for difficult author names.

More information including pricing at

WNYLRC libraries will receive a discount on the rates shown.

Speakers: Davina Morgan-Witts is Founder and Publisher of BookBrowse; Elena Spagnolie is Editor at BookBrowse


Adult Literacy: Libraries in Action Webinar

Adult Literacy: Libraries in Action

Brought to you by CLRC
February 22nd, 11:30am-1:00pm

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In the “Adult Literacy: Libraries in Action” webinar, participants will become familiar with the Adult Literacy through Libraries Action Agenda, an innovative call to action that outlines recommendations in seven key priority areas: Collection Development, Technology and Digital Literacy,­ Collaboration and Strategic Partnerships, ­Professional Development and Graduate Education, Community Planning and Program Evaluation, Raising Awareness and Influencing Policy, and Sustainability. Each priority area is broken down into specific outcomes, which are supported by concrete action recommendations. The webinar will include examples of pilot libraries implementing their own action plans grounded in community assessment, as well as an introduction to the online course (launching in late 2016) and supporting resources that will guide libraries through putting into practice the recommendations of the Action Agenda.

Learning objectives

·       Understand the structure and purpose of the Adult Literacy through Libraries Action Agenda

·       Learn practical strategies for expanding adult literacy services at your library

·       See examples of libraries creating and implementing tailored action plans

·       Become oriented to the free online course that will guide libraries through putting the Agenda into action


As Literacy Officer in the American Library Association’s Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services, Kristin Lahurd is responsible for managing adult literacy projects and partnerships, coordinating the development of literacy resources for libraries, facilitating literacy-related discussions across libraries and library types, and serving on the National Coalition for Literacy. Kristin brings to the position several years of work in education, including roles as literacy coach, English teacher, and reading teacher in the middle grades. As literacy coach Kristin designed and presented district-wide teacher institute and professional development days, which included leading teachers through the transition to the Common Core State Standards. Prior to her work in the public schools, Kristin held positions in public health and social service. She has master’s degrees in education and public health and a bachelor’s degree in English.

Alicia Suskin is a Project Manager for ProLiteracy with over 5 years of experience in the nonprofit field. She is responsible for proposal development, planning, implementation, and management of project and work products related to grant-funded and other projects that support ProLiteracy’s mission. Alicia holds a Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership from the University of Florida.


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