First Available Copy Holds Workshop

SALS will be offering an opportunity to ask questions regarding this new feature on August 29th and 30th from 2-3 pm via GoToMeeting.
Please let Jennifer know if you are interested and she will send out an online invitation to attend from your computer.
If you want to come to Saratoga, you are more than welcome, but this Q&A session may only take 30 minutes – 1 hour.

Dealing with Difficult Patrons workshop

Where: SALS Training Room
Who: Library staff, directors and volunteers

Every library employee encounters difficult patrons and users from time to time. Whether it’s a troublesome group of teenagers, a loud patron, an angry or even dangerous person, the experience of dealing with someone unpleasant is common for staff in libraries of just about all sizes and types.

In this workshop, library safety and security expert Steve Albrecht will show you how you can deal with these problem patrons effectively, efficiently, and without creating major disruptions in your library environment. Library employees at all levels will learn strategies for dealing with such patrons and effectively diffusing challenging situations.
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Director’s Council

Geoff Kirkpatrick, director of Bethlehem PL and a candidate for NYLA presidency will speak to us on Civil Service/HR law as well as library advocacy.

Where: Clifton Park-Halfmoon Library