Free Affordable Care Act Program for Library Staff

Crandall Public Library will host a free Affordable Care Act program with Erika Walker from the Adirondack Health Institute on Wednesday, October 9 from 2:00-3:30 at the Crandall Public Library.  This program is open to all SALS member library staff who would like to learn more about the ACA and the available community resources.

If you would like to attend, please register here by 10/7/2013.

For any questions, please contact Guin Forshey at 792-6508 x246 or

Basic Library Law for Trustees – Free Webinar

On Friday November 8, from 10 am to 11 am, the New York State Library and the Library Trustees Association of New York State will offer a free one hour webinar by Jerry Nichols, editor of the Handbook for Public Library Trustees of New York State and Director of the Palmer Institute for Public Library Organization and Management; Long Island University.

Basic Library Law for Trustees

This webinar will introduce public library trustees to the critical laws and regulations that govern their library.  Topics will include the legal structure of libraries; the By-Laws and other critical documents; conduct of meetings and FOIL; policy fundamentals; trustee liability; and legal resources for trustees.

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