Building a Collection for Youth with Disabilities- Webinar

One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Building a Collection for Youth with Disabilities

Gain a basic understanding of some of the more common disabilities and disorders that children in your community may have (i.e. Down syndrome, ADHD, autism, dyslexia) and what materials your library can provide to support those families better.

Learning Outcomes:

  • To have a working knowledge of common neurodevelopmental disorders, learning disorders, and physical disabilities.
  • To identify materials appropriate for 6 types of disabilities that can be part of a circulating collection.
  • To reach out and collaborate with their community’s special education staff and special needs organizations
  • To obtain the necessary funding, package the non-print materials, and market the collection to the community.

Read moreRegister.

Registration fees:

$40 for ASCLA members

$50 for ALA members

$65 for non-ALA members

$45 for ALA student members and retired members

Group Rates

    $99 single login

$38/person multiple logins. (min. 2 people)

The Reader-Friendly Library: Evaluating the Visitor Experience online course

The Reader-Friendly Library – Evaluating the Visitor Experience.

This course would be of particular benefit to ASCLA members because it will support learners to use the assignments to research the needs of targeted groups of visitors with the aim of increasing the accessibility and inclusiveness of their libraries through practical and achievable steps. In this way the learners who serve particular groups of excluded readers will find the tools of direct and ongoing use to widen access to the library collection. Six weeks of assignments and online interactivity can offer a good introduction observational research and experience in recording and collating the findings. The changes tried out and monitored during this time will of necessity be small-scale and experimental but will offer a sound platform, confidence and skills to take the work further in the future.

Find out how your customers really use your library. Test out objective research methods and versatile tools to make customer-centred changes in your library space.  Read moreRegister.

How Juvenile Books Portray the Prison Experience (5-week course)

Going to Jail: How Juvenile Books Portray the Prison Experience

This five week course will explore portrayals of the incarceration experience in juvenile and young adult literature. Participants will be assigned to read several books written for young people that include scenes in prison or juvenile detention facilities. Each week a one hour online chat will provide a book discussion about the themes of the books and how they can be used with appropriate readers. The chat can also be a model for librarians who want to lead book discussions for their patrons.

Read moreRegister  **CEUs are available!