News from the New York Council for the Humanities

The New York Council for the Humanities has updated its grant guidelines and application forms for both Mini Grants ($2500 and below) and Major Grants (over $2500). These new materials should be used for all future applications to the Council and are available on our website at

Grant Deadlines and Eligibility: Our next Major Grant deadline is November 1st, 2007; Mini Grants are accepted on a rolling basis. Council grants are available to any New York State non-profit organization to support public programs in the humanities, and can be used for a wide range of projects. 

Grant Proposals and Questions: If you have a project you’d like to discuss, or have general questions about the Council’s grant program please contact Jane McNamara, Senior Program Officer (212-233-1131 x24, or Lauren Kushnick, Program Associate (212-233-1131 x 21. 

Other Council Programs and Events: For more information on the Council and its other programs across the state visit our website. Check out our online Calendar of Events for a listing of programs in your area.

SALS Welcomes Jill Ryder

SALS is pleased to announce that Jill Ryder accepted the position of General Services Librarian.  Jill’s primary responsibility is working with the Techncial Services department importing MARC records, orders and original and copy cataloging.  As part of our professional team, she will meet with our member library staff and trustees to help support their efforts to evaluate local library needs and create effective services for their communities. 

Jill has earned her MS in Information Science and Policy from SUNY Albany with an Undergaduate degree in English from the College of St. Rose.  Her last position was in the NYS Attorney General’s Department of Law Library.

Jill looks forward to meeting you soon.  In the meantime she can be reached by email: or extension x216.