New York State Summer Reading Website

The New York State Summer Reading site,, will be filled with fun activities for children to use all summer long.  

If you add a link to your website or a bookmark to your public computers, children and teens will find new featured activities all summer long.

Voters Approve Saratoga Springs Public Library Budget

Saratoga Springs School District residents approved a tax levy of $4,881,000 to operate the Saratoga Springs Public Library in FY 2008-2009.   The vote was 377 yes, 142 no.  Cheryl Gold of Saratoga Springs was elected to the library’s Board of Trustees, to fill a seat to be vacated by Jeffrey Gorss when his term expires in June. 

The library serves the residents of the Saratoga Springs Enlarged City School District, and funds for the library are collected when school taxes are collected.  The FY 08-09 levy represents a 4.64% increase over the FY 07-08 levy. An estimated $225,000 will be available from sources other than FY 08-09 property taxes. The tax amount for public library purposes appears as a separate item on school district tax bills.

“In the few short months since I’ve arrived in Saratoga, I’ve heard over and over again that the library is a source of pride for the community,” said Library Director Issac Pulver. “It’s gratifying to see that spirit continued with this year’s vote.”

“We are delighted by the public’s continued support for library services,” said Library Board President Ken Bollerud, “and we want to thank all those who came out to vote.  We look forward to another great year.”