CaDiLaC is Back


The new and improved CaDiLaC, using Index Data’s MasterKey™ information delivery platform, provides fast, easy-to-use access to 25 library catalogs and the records of more than 425 academic, public, school, hospital, and special libraries plus the New York State Library.

Because many people missed CaDiLaC, we are making CaDiLaC Online 2.0 available for use even before help screens or FAQs are finished. The most important points you need to know are on the opening screen, so be sure to read them. We hope that you will let us know if you have questions or suggestions.

Many thanks to CDLC Systems Consultant Joe Thornton for his creativity and persistence in working with the Index Data staff to get CaDiLaC Online 2.0 up so quickly!

To check out CaDiLaC Online 2.0, go to and click on the CaDiLaC Online 2.0 button on the left.

Planning & Management of Buildings — Assessment Results

Participants of the September 2009 CPLA workshop, “Planning & Management of Buildings” presented by Cheryl Bryan, learned how to assess their current buildings and how to develop and implement building improvement projects.  As a result of this workshop and the current LSTA grant, library managers were asked to have three building assessment surveys filled out by a library staff member, a trustee, and a patron.  They were then asked to tell SALS how they implemented a change to their buildings based on the survey feedback.

Here are some of their stories