Libraries & Workforce Development: Recent Updates from Workforce3one

Workforce3one, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment & Training Administration knowledge sharing tool, is a communications vehicle to offer technical assistance, share promising practices, and network with colleagues in the Workforce and Economic Development world.

The following are recent Workforce3one postings. If a webinar has already taken place, the  links are to recordings of the webinars:

  •  To help unemployed veterans find education and training services leading to employment, the Department of Labor and the Department of Veterans Affairs are launching  the Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP).  VRAP provides veterans age 35-60 with up to 12 months of training assistance in a VA-approved community college or technical school program that leads to an associate’s degree or industry recognized certificate.  The VA will provide up to $1,473 per month in financial support.  Upon completion, the Labor Department will work with participants to help them find jobs in high-demand fields that require their new skills.Continue reading

Free Literature for New York State’s Underserved Readers

The Poulin Project is offering free box sets of literature to Literacy, GED/ESOL and Adult Education Programs, prison writing programs and other educational initiatives in New York State’s underserved communities.

The “Al Poulin Jr. Independent Publishers Development Project” is run by the DUC Library Program, in collaboration with The New York State Council on the Arts, in honor of the late poet, translator and founder of BOA Editions, Ltd.

The Poulin Project supports small and independent publishers in New York by introducing the work of hundreds of contemporary writers and poets to new audiences, and, in turn, helps reading centers to diversify their collections.  Poulin Project books are distributed as an annual boxed set containing an average of 50 different titles.  The DUC distributes these sets in June; there is absolutely no charge to participate. Continue reading

Senior Services Workshop — Library Updates

Allan Kleiman presented the wonderful workshop, Serving Older Adults With Panache, on February 6, 2012 at SALS.  Since attending the workshop, several libraries have taken action to improve their services to seniors using the ideas and models presented at the workshop.

Here are some of their stories:

Lou Ann Stewart of the Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library reported on the new services the library has added stating: “We have made a few changes after attending the workshop.  First, we created a “senior space” both in a physical sense and online on our website.  We have a kiosk that contains new large print books (it was in existence before we attended the workshop).  We added community information of interest to seniors.  Next to the kiosk, we have a spinning rack with free brochures from Saratoga County organizations.  We held a Senior Expo last fall and created a binder with information gathered from all the participating organizations.  That binder is also located on the kiosk.  Then, we created an “Outreach & Senior Services” page on our website: with lots of helpful information for seniors.”Continue reading