Are You Ready For the Unexpected?: Disaster Preparedness Resources

September is National Preparedness Month; so what better time to assess how prepared your library, community, and family are for an unexpected disaster.  Having a plan, building a preparedness kit, and ensuring you are informed if and when an event occurs in your area are critical steps in keeping yourself and your families safe.  We encourage you to take some time to explore these resources and to share them with your patrons.Continue reading

Libraries Doubling as Post Offices

The United States Postal Service (USPS) is inviting some public libraries to double as local post offices in areas where post offices are closing or reducing hours.  The Village Post Office (VPO) program offers basic services including mail collection and sale of stamps and flat rate packaging boxes.  Libraries interested in the program can contact or (888) 711-7577.  For more information check out Meredith Schwartz’s Library Journal article, “Libraries Could Double As Post Offices“.

College Majors, Unemployment and Earnings — Resource for Prospective College Students

A recent Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce report concludes that college remains the best alternative for young workers with one caveat: not all majors are created equal and some majors offer substantially better employment prospects than others.  The report entitled, Hard Times: Not All College Degrees Are Created Equalis a nice informational packet to share with prospective college students and parents seeking information at your library.