Meeting Room Policy (.pdf)
To ensure that the SALS Board of Trustees and staff and the member library Boards of Trustees and staff have the skills and knowledge needed to manage and provide services to their communities, SALS has available two meeting rooms.
- The meeting rooms will be used by the SALS Board of Trustees and staff to conduct SALS’ business.
- The meeting rooms will be used to offer training opportunities for system trustees and staff.
- The meeting rooms will be used to offer training opportunities for member library trustees and staff.
- The meeting rooms may be used for non-profit organizations that are affiliated with SALS through membership, through coordinated outreach partnerships or are located within the city of Saratoga Springs. See attached for list.
- The occupancy of the SALS Board Room is 30.
- The occupancy of the Training Room is 35 classroom setup and 50 lecture setup.
- Meeting rooms may be used when SALS is closed if there is a SALS staff member present in the building. After hour meetings must be preapproved by the SALS Director. Compensation time or an adjusted workday must be preapproved by the SALS Director. There could be a fee charged to the organization for the compensation to have a SALS staff member present after hours or weekends.
- The meeting room use is on a first come, first serve basis with precedence given to SALS business and training.
- All meetings held at SALS are subject to the Open Meeting Law.
- The SALS staff is responsible for set up of the room. It is expected that all groups using the room leave the room in the same condition when the meeting is over.
- Food and non-alcoholic beverages may be consumed in the meeting rooms.
- SALS and groups affiliated with SALS may charge a fee to attend workshops held in the meeting rooms.
- No smoking is allowed on the SALS premises.
- Individuals or groups using the meeting room may offer program related items for sale.
- Individuals or groups using the meeting room may distribute information regarding the meeting.
- Individuals of groups may use the AV equipment found in the meeting rooms after the appropriate orientation.
- All complaints about the program content or the meeting room policy should be submitted to the SALS Director. Such concerns will be addressed by the SALS Board of Trustees.
- If the building is closed due to weather, loss of electricity, etc, a SALS staff member will contact the contact person as soon as possible.
- The contact person for the group reserving the meeting room should contact SALS as soon as possible if meeting is cancelled.
- A letter of agreement between the contact person from the non-profit organization and SALS will be signed that defines:
Day, time, length of meeting
Acceptance of the SALS regulations on meeting room use
Name, address, email, phone and contact person
Coordinated Outreach Partnerships or organizations found within Saratoga Springs, NY as outlined in Regulation #4
Nonprofit organizations affiliated with SALS through membership (illustrative):
- American Library Association
- Public Library Association
- New York Library Association
- Capital District Library Council
- SALS member libraries
Coordinated Outreach Partnerships as per New York State Education Law, §273 (1) (h) (1), and Commissioner’s Regulations §90.3. Organizations in Hamilton, Saratoga, Warren and Washington Counties that serve (illustrative):
- Blind/Physically Disabled
- Aged
- Developmentally or learning disabled
- Institutionalized
- Members of ethnic/minority groups in need of special services
- Educationally Disadvantaged
- Unemployed/Underemployed
- Geographically isolated
Organizations and nonprofits located within the city of Saratoga Springs (illustrative):
- League of Women Voters
- Chambers of Commerce
- Economic Development Organizations
- Community Service Organizations (Lions, Rotary, YMCA, American Red Cross, etc)
- Educational Organizations
- Government/Political Representatives