Policy Briefs on Telehealth and Intimate Partner Violence- Free Webinar

The Rural Assistance Center will be hosting a free webinar.

Title: NACRHHS Policy Briefs on Telehealth and Intimate Partner Violence
Date: Thursday, November 5, 2015
Time: 11:00 am Pacific, 12:00 pm Mountain, 1:00 pm Central, 2:00 pm Eastern

Following the Fall 2014 meeting in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, the National Advisory Committee on Rural Health and Human Services sent two policy briefs to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. One policy brief covered the use of telehealth in rural areas and how this technology aligns with the emerging focus on value in healthcare and the second covered the impact of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) on families and communities in rural areas.

Featured Speakers:

  • Former Governor Ronnie Musgrove, Committee Chair
  • Eugenia (Geni) Cowan, Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at California State University, Sacramento
  • Karen Madden, Director of the Charles D. Cook Office of Rural Health in New York

The National Advisory Committee on Health and Human Services is a 21-member citizens’ panel of nationally recognized experts who provide recommendations on rural issues to the Secretary of the Department.

Policy Briefs: