Why Assessment? An Introduction & How to be Successful: NY 3Rs FREE Webinar

Date:  April 30, 2015, 12:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. EDT
Program:  Why Assessment? An Introduction & How to be Successful with Denise Davis, Deputy Director, Sacramento Public Library, Sacramento, CA.
Participants will be able to:
·        Define assessment for the purposes of this webinar.
·        Describe basic assessment activities that any library–large or small, urban or rural–can implement.
·        Align assessment with existing outputs reported annually in state survey, with additional “performance feedback” from patrons to establish a 360 degree perspective on a specific service identified to assessment (e.g., programming).
·        Describe tools available to begin basic assessment – current service output data (program #, attendance, etc. from NYS PL survey) and the PLA performance measures surveys as an example of easy surveys to administer with patrons that align with existing service measures being reported annually.
·        Discuss national initiatives that are supporting libraries in capturing service assessment data – Edge Initiative, Digital inclusion, PLA Project Outcome, US Impact Survey, Turn the Page (PLA advocacy initiative).