SALS 2012 Executive Summary

Library staff and trustees were asked to complete a satisfaction and use survey as required by the SALS Plan of Service 2012-2016.  One hundred forty-nine people began the survey; one hundred seventeen people completed the survey (sixty-five staff, thirty-two trustees, twenty-six directors). Here are some of the survey highlights.

98.3% of the respondents are satisfied with SALS services.

98% of the respondents find SALS services to be valuable and relevant.

SALS services rated the most used and most valued:


  •        Polaris/Automation
  •         Delivery/Interlibrary Loan/Resource Sharing
  •         Continuing Education and Consulting
  •         Central Library Services


SALS will continue to provide web based and in-house training to make sure all staff receives the training they need to provide good customer service to their communities. Library staff expressed interest in using data to make decisions.  SALS will continue to provide training on developing and running reports using Polaris and other tools.  SALS will also investigate other tools library staff could use to make data based decisions.


After working with Libby Post in 2011-2012, trustees expressed less interest in sustainable libraries as seven libraries moved forward or began the work to become self-taxing libraries.   



SALS purchased new wireless routers for the member libraries.  These routers will collect use data and help regulate usage to prevent disruptions in circulation.

The Capital District Library Council (CDLC) discontinued its courier service.  This is causing delays in delivery among academic, school and SALS member libraries.  SALS will increase the number of deliveries to CDLC to twice a week.

Delivery services and resource sharing continue to be very important to the membership.

Crandall Public Library, working with the SALS member library directors, continues to support eContent for every library in our system.

In 2012, all member libraries continue to contribute to the eContent collection.  It is the fastest growing service provided by the SALS member libraries.

The Training Room was completed at the beginning of 2012.  It is used monthly and was very helpful with the POLARIS upgrade training.

The Directors Council is meeting more often thanks to the efforts of Regina Doi, Chair of the Council.  Directors further away are able to join in the meeting with the GoToMeeting software.

The New York Library Trustees Online is a successful library administration project.   SALS staff worked with member library staff and trustees to review library policies.  In addition, SALS staff worked with member library trustees regarding trustee responsibilities.

The Joint Automation Staff, working with the IT staff in the member libraries met to address new technology opportunities. 

The full survey and responses are available here.