Workshop: Blended, Flipped, Engaged: New Modes for Library Instruction

Register Here.  $80 for non-members.

As you gear up for a school year full of library instruction, spend a day at METRO building a toolkit of engaging educational activities to include in your lesson plans.

Whether your instruction focuses on in-person workshops, one-off info lit sessions, or semester-long courses, you’ll leave with a range of ideas to utilize in courses of all types and at all levels. Along the way, we’ll hear how new approaches to learning are being implemented at a variety of libraries.

This session will cover:

– blended learning

– flipped classroom

– active learning

And we’ll tackle the following questions:

– what are the best methods for bringing digital or online instruction into the classroom?

– how can we enable students to learn from digital media at their own pace?

– when does it make sense to expose students to new ideas via digital media before class even convenes? how can the flipped classroom model be deployed to ensure classroom discussion starts from a place of shared knowledge?

– how can we include flipped classroom techniques into one shot reference instruction?what are the best ways to encourage students to learn by doing?

– what place does active learning have in today’s classrooms?

– what digital tools can students and teachers use for online instruction?

This daylong session will be led by Melissa Jacobs, Coordinator in the Office of Library Services for the New York City Department of Education, with assistance from Amy Mikel, Outreach Librarian at Brooklyn Public Library, and Kellen Maluski, Health Sciences Reference Associate at NYU.

This course is intended to bring a wide range of librarians from different types of institutions together to explore the ways in which new models in education can be used throughout the learning ecosystem.