3M Cloud Library Presentation at SALS

Join us on Friday June 12th to learn how 3M Cloud Library can help your library improve service, reach eBook / eAudiobook users your library is not currently reaching and delight your patrons by dramatically improving the end-user experience.

Meeting agenda will cover the following:

*            Demonstration of the new, improved, highly intuitive 3M Cloud Library  app.

*            Overview of compelling data that shows how the addition of 3M Cloud Library  as an additional platform has helped libraries increase eBook circulation.

*            Outline of options for selected, participating SALS/MVLS/Upper Hudson member libraries to share content via 3M’s CloudLink  feature.

*            Review of the 3M Cloud Library  as viable alternative for eAudiobook content with over 40,000 titles currently available!

When: Friday June 12 at 10am

Where: Southern Adirondack Library System
Please RSVP by June 6 to: jferriss @ sals.edu and djannazzo @ mmm.com

Additional info below for a sneak preview….


