Summer Reading Resources for Adults

Summer reading programs at the library are usually associated with children’s programming—but with Goodreads and OCLC’s help, you can continue to engage your adult reading population and strengthen your online community.

Help your library gain visibility with readers on Goodreads, the world’s largest site for readers and book recommendations. Your library can create a Goodreads group and help local Goodreads members find out about all the great things you have in store for them this summer. Learn more in this recorded Webinar for librarians.

The super simple way to empower adult readers this summer? Create reader’s advisory lists online at Goodreads or, and share it out. Readers will find new titles they love in no time—thanks to your library!Continue reading

Collection Development and Weeding Tips

Abby Preschel Kalan wrote a concise article on Collection Development and weeding that I hope you take the time to read.  Click –>here for the article.

It has been a pleasure to meet with all of the new directors at SALS and discuss collection development. Weeding with new eyes is always easier. Abby has some quick tips that we can probably all agree on – so go head to your stacks and see if you have any of the following items, still on your shelf:

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The Critical Partnership: Public Library Trustees and Directors

Jerry Nichols will present a review of the roles and responsibilities of public library Trustees and the Library Director. How to hire the best person for your Library. How to get the most out of the partnership. Best practices in performance evaluation of your Director and your Board. And how to end the relationship legally, ethically, and professionally.

Join us at SALS where we can continue the discussion after the webinar.