Violence Prevention in the Public Library

Live webinar to be held in the SALS training room.  All staff and volunteers are invited to attend.
Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this one-hour webinar, participants will:

Be able to identify behavioral indicators of the potentially  violent individual;
Know verbal diffusion, de-escalation techniques to use with angry customers; and
Have three survival strategies to consider during active shooter incidents.

All public library staff and volunteers.


Kenneth Wolf, PhD.
He specializes in protective intelligence and has assisted in the development of comprehensive violence prevention and active shooter programs for organizations including the US Postal Service, the US Army, Intel, Eaton Corporation, and other Fortune 500 companies. He has trained behavioral threat assessment teams for the Library of Congress, other federal agencies, state government, and non-profit organizations; and frequently presents seminars on violence prevention throughout North America, Europe, Asia, and Mexico.

You will have to come to SALS in person to see the webinar for we can not broadcast the webinar using GoToMeeting.
Please share this with your staff and let me know if we should expect you.

For more information: