Workforce3One Career Resources

Youth Resource Connections — Opportunities for youth and young adults to apply to grants, fellowships, awards, competitions, and other various programs.

Pathway to Employment for Youth with Disabilities — A letter from the Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy and the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) outlines several of the avenues — including service-learning and volunteering — that can be used to release the untapped potential of all youth, including those with disabilities.

 Youth Career Connect Grant — The Department of Labor will fund approximately 25 to 40 grants for individual or multi-site projects. Grants will be awarded to local education agencies, public or non-profit local workforce entities, or non-profits with education reform experience. All grantees will have to demonstrate a strong public/private partnership, and must include, at a minimum, a local education agency, a local workforce investment system entity, an employer, and an institution of higher education. At a minimum, applicants will also be required to provide a match of 25 percent of the grant award. Awards are anticipated to be made in early 2014 for program implementation to align with the 2014-15 school year.

High Growth Occupations for Ex-Offenders — A slide show presentation on how to identify high growth occupations for persons with criminal convictions and understanding the role of credentials in improving long-term employment outcomes.

Educational Assistance for Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers and Their Families — The Department of Education announced two funding announcements for migrant and seasonal farmworkers and members of their immediate family.

Career Resources for Young People — Programs provided by the U .S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (DOL/ETA) that help youth figure out where to go in the workforce.

Workforce3One December Newsletter
New York State Library’s “Job Information Resources for Libraries”
See: “Job Information in New York’s Public Libraries” on the State Library’s web page for additional resources for libraries.

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