PLA Virtual Symposium – Notes, Thoughts and Links

Pardon my stream of conscience note taking style…

Hands on! Innovative YA with Steve Teeri from Detroit Public Library

Find your Etsy patrons – they can come in and do crafts with your teens
Making the Future Grant
Downton Abbey Paper Dolls by Vulture

Do a gap analysis — does your school still provide Home and Careers classes?  Do they have electives in high school?  Is there another community organization that teaches these skills to teens?
Bring these classes to your library’s makerspace –> sewing, bicycle repair, graphic design, caligraphy, etc…

Arduino breadboarding: circuit making/basic electronics


good resources







A Novel Approach to Giving Bad News presented by Stacy Schrank and Raquelle Solon

Paraverbal communication – tone, cadence and volume can indicate if a patron or staff member is stressed out

Your own paraverbal can escalate or deescalate the situation

Run, hide fight video

Get to point – don’t say “I have some good news and bad news” , don’t talk too much, don’t sugar coat

Marketing Trends and Innovations for Libraries presented by Alison Circle and Jim Staley

Big data:
cardholders (as an aggregate)
Google Analytics
Social media analytics (Facebook data)
customer input data
On line resource data

What did you do when you have spikes in use?  (Grand re-opening, well publicized program, etc.)
Tie websites to events (analytics)
Library mystery shopper

Key Performance Dashboard (who makes it?)

Use customer map to direct target new mover (new house sales)


Customer Service Challenges: When Tensions Run High presented by Cheryl Gould

Self service is only good if the stuff (machines) function well

Assume everyone is stressed out – that way the good ones make your day
