Hamilton and Warren County: Campaign Planning with Libby Post

Hamilton and Warren County Library Directors and Trustees are invited to a Campaign Planning Workshop on April 30, 2012  from 2:00 – 4:30 pm at the Chester Library.

The workshop will be presented by award winning library advocate and consultant, Libby Post.    Libby is best known in the SALS service area for her work with the CVW Long Lake Public Library (School District Public Library with sustainable funding).

Being sustainable in this economy begins with good planning.  Learn what campaign planning is all about so that you and your supporters can craft the right message, contact the right voters and ultimately win on election day!

As a result of attending this workshop, you and your board will be able to:

Use your unique community values brand to set the tone and craft the right message

Understand what goes into developing a winning campaign even in this economy

Reach out to your community to get the best results


This is an interactive workshop.  Please bring your questions.  This workshop can also be used to help libraries gain community support and local funding support.

For more information about Libby,  http://www.commservices.net

Please let me know if you are able to attend this important workshop.

This is an interactive workshop.  Please bring your questions and publicity materials. For more information about Libby,  http://www.commservices.net


Why So Few eBooks?

Ever wonder why there are so few titles available as eBooks in our catalog?  The answer is simple, but the solution is not. Many publishers (Macmillan Publishing, Simon & Schuster, Penguin Group, Brilliance Audio, and Hachette Book Group) will not sell or license eBooks to libraries.

Your library can purchase a title from one of the above publishers in various formats – large or regular print, hard copy or paperback or even on a CD. However, the publishers will not sell the eBook to the library. The publishers are treating eBooks differently due to something call digital rights management (DRM) or digital rights content.

What can we do as consumers?  Let the publishers know we are disappointed with their decision not to sell their eBooks to libraries.  Write to the publishers, spread the word throughout our communities, put up signs in our libraries, post  messages on our websites,  be proactive.  Make a call, send an email (contact information below) to the publishers not selling eBooks to libraries.

As a profession, we should begin looking at the Digital Rights Management, the copyright law, among other avenues that will allow libraries to lend digital items in the same manner as the physical item.    I contend, that eContent is simply another format.

Macmillan Publishing  – customerservice@mpsvirginia.com  (212) 226-7521

Simon & Schuster-  simonandschuster.com/about/contact_us  (212) 698-7000

Hachette Book Group- customer.service@hbgusa.com (212) 364-1100

Penguin Group – ecommerce@us.penguingroup.com  (212) 366-2000

Brilliance Audio – libsales@brillianceaudio.com (616) 846-5256

Brainfuse JobNow

JobNow is an innovative online service that provides expert resume help, real-time interview coaching and career advice. There are services to help with every step of a job search. The Adult Learning Center features test preparation (including GED and U.S. citizenship preparation), writing assistance, and study tools for math, reading and writing. Live, online one-on-one interaction with a tutor or job coach is available as part of JobNow and the Adult Learning Center. Live sessions can be conducted in English or Spanish. JobNow is made possible through a federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Broadband Technology Opportunity Program (BTOP) award funded through the New York State Education Department/New York State Library. For more information, click here. JobNow is available through your library’s databases page; so, start exploring and promoting this great resource!