53rd SALS Annual Dinner

Where: Holiday Inn @ Saratoga

Please call Nancy Bowen for more information.  All are welcome.

Evening at a glance:

  • Meet and greet  5:30 pm
  • Dinner 6:30 pm
  • Business meeting 7:00 pm
  • Joan Frye Williams and George Needham, “Sustainable Strategies for the Community Focused Library” 8:00 pm

In a world where eBooks are outselling their print cousins, encyclopedias live in the cloud instead of in bound volumes, and blue screens have replaced Yellow Pages, some people seem to think that public libraries are moving from invaluable to retro to quaint to obsolete. Library consultants Joan Frye Williams and George Needham don’t see it that way. In this evening’s session, George and Joan will present strategic opportunities for public libraries that build on our strengths while providing communities with cost-effective, indispensable and therefore sustainable services. Come prepared to discuss some challenging questions, and to come away with some fresh insights about the future of public libraries.