National Library Week Contest: April 12-18 2009

During National Library Week 2009 on the days of April 12-18, librarians and library staff in New York State will take a wide range of photographs of librarians working, meeting, teaching, and doing all that librarians do in a given day. We encourage you to be creative in taking photos that capture the essence of New York librarianship.

Winners will be recognized on the NYLA website ( and during the 2009 NYLA Annual Conference in Niagara Falls this October. Winners in each category will also receive a $50 gift certificate to be used to purchase items in NYLA’s Fundraising Store or toward registration costs for the 2009 Annual Conference or for a NYLA Institute.


April 12-18, 2009. We suggest that you capture images at all times during these seven days. Photos must be submitted via and tagged with snapNY09. There is no need to pre-register to participate in the project. See guidelines below for more submission details.
Wherever you work! Wherever NY Librarians are!
Suggested photographic subjects:
• At the circulation desk
• Working in technical services
• Assisting a patron in the stacks or with career resources
• Shelving books
• Teaching a class
Photos may be submitted in the following categories with one winner chosen from each category and one overall winner honored:
1. Librarians as Teachers and Trainers
2. Librarians as Trailblazers in New Technology
3. Most Humorous
The contest is open to all libraries, librarians and library staff in New York State. Professional photographic skills are not required.
Use whatever photographic equipment you have available-from digital cameras to 35mm as long as you can post them to We welcome color as well as black and white images. Details for submitting the photographs are provided below.
1) Only librarians and staff from New York State (from any type of library) may submit entries for the contest.

2) Entries must be submitted between April 12 and April 18, 2009. Entries must be submitted to the NLW – Library Snapshot New York State Flickr group by simply posting them. You must first have a account, and then join the group:
Each photo should also have the tag snapNY09. You may use any additional tags and titles and descriptions that relate to the photo.
3) Each individual library staff member may submit up to seven photos to the Flickr group. The entries do not have to be spread among the three categories.
4) All individuals pictured in submitted photographs must sign a photo release form. Entries will not be valid until all signed photo releases are received by fax (518-427-1697) and must be submitted by 4pm April 20, 2009. Please be sure to identify the photo as best you can on the release so it can be matched with the posted photo.
5) Winners from the photographic contest will be announced on Friday April 24, 2009 on the Flickr group page and via the New York Library Association web site ( Judging criteria will be based on composition, quality, subject, lighting, creativity, and the ability to capture of the spirit of NY librarianship.
A total of four photos will be selected winners: One in each category and one overall. These 4 photos will be posted on the NYLA web site and will be announced in a press release.
Winners in each category will also receive a $50 gift certificate to be used to purchase items in NYLA’s Fundraising Store or toward registration costs for the 2009 Annual Conference or for a NYLA Institute.
Various honorable mentions will also be announced. Winners will also be recognized at the annual fall NYLA conference in Niagara Falls, October 14 – 17, 2009.
Johanna Geiger
New York Library Association
518-432-6952 x102