Emerging Technology Workshop May 7th

The Future is not out of Reach: Change, Emerging Trends, 2.0, and Libraries
Presented by David Lee King

All day workshop at the  Clifton Park-Halfmoon Public Library, May 7th 2009
Registration: Fill out and mail flier to CDLC
Cost: $25.00 for all SALS member library staff
Change is good, but sometimes it is also hard. Emerging tech trends are also good, but sometimes the change needed to implement those emerging trends feels like scaling a mountain! David discusses the current social networking transformation taking place, and applies those changes to a library setting. Then David will discuss the changes a library needs to make to meet and participate in our new online, participatory world.

David Lee King is the Digital Branch & Services Manager at the Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library, where he plans, implements, and experiments with emerging technology trends. He speaks internationally about emerging trends, website management, digital experience, and social media, and has been published in many library-related journals. David was named a Library Journal Mover and Shaker for 2008, and recently published his first book, Designing the Digital Experience. David writes the Internet Spotlight column in Public Libraries Magazine with Michael Porter, and maintains a blog at http://www.davidleeking.com

Co-sponsored by the Capital District Library Council, Mohawk Valley Library System, Southern Adirondack Library System and Upper Hudson Library System

This Emerging Technologies Program is partially funded by the Regional Bibliographic Data Bases program.