When to Hold ‘Em, When to Fold ‘Em: Deciding to Investigate, Deploy or Abandon Technologies

I attended a PLA program given by Joan Frye Williams in 2000. What she shared with us six years ago still makes a lot of sense. I would like to share with you some of the advice Joan gave about technology and libraries. She said that technology is a means to improve customer service and when we use technology we should look for good signs, bad signs, and frequently misinterpreted signs. For my first post, I will share the good signs with you – comments and thoughts are welcomed…Sara

Some of the good signs:

Does technology solve a known problem? Does it it avert a disaster and/or help with a service problem?

Do your users want it? Will technology give people what they want?

Does your staff want it?

Have you read about it in “Business Week” in the what’s new section? If you read about it in “USA Today”, consider it mainstream.

Is it in the grocery store? Remember bar codes and self service have been in grocery stores for many years.

Your kids know how to use it – and or your Mom knows how to use it. People’s needs can be different due to some of the challenges of aging – and the best uses of technology cross the age groups.

Technology doesn’t need to take a lot of time or effort to show results – try pilot projects and see what happens.

Try using FLICKR, participate in the Library 2.0 workshops or attend a DIY day at SALS.