ReadersFirst Guide to Library E-Book Vendors

The ReadersFirst Working Group has put together the ReadersFirst Guide to Library E-Book Vendors a resource to help librarians in assessing the major library e-book distributors’ platforms and to advocate for more open and user friendly e-lending services. These evaluations draw from self-reported surveys completed by distributors’ representatives and submitted to ReadersFirst in spring 2013.

This inaugural publication focuses on one fundamental issue: the products currently offered by library e-content distributors create a fragmented, disjointed, and cumbersome user experience. To fully assess e-book vendors and their platforms, ReadersFirst developed an evaluation form to be completed by vendors based on the organization’s four principles:
• Find e-books with an easy search of a single, comprehensive catalog including all of the library’s offerings.
• Access e-book checkouts, holds, availability and communications in the same way they manage other library offerings.
• Seamlessly access all e-books in one place, regardless of publisher or distributor.
• Download e-books that are compatible with all reading devices.

For more information go to the ReadersFirst website. If you have any questions or comments regarding the guide, please leave a comment.

Thanks – Jennifer